The Ministries Appeal.
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CHUM Duluth is in need of items to help serve people in the community as colder weather arrives. Items needed include warm clothing; blankets; extra warm sleeping bags; and winter gear such as socks, jackets, hats, and mittens. Please bring donations to 120 N. First Ave. W., Duluth, Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The Bridge on 7th Overnight Shelter in Brainerd is in need of coffee items (coffee, cups, sugar, creamer), cleaning supplies (Lysol wipes, floor cleaner, paper towels, garbage bags, air freshener), and clothing (coats, winter boots, jeans, shirts, snow pants, socks, and hand warmers). Donations are accepted on Wednesdays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the shelter, 1926 S. Seventh St., Brainerd.
Please consider supporting these organizations serving the needs of people in the Diocese of Duluth:
Brainerd: Bridges of Hope, 2011 S. Sixth St., 56401; (218) 825-7682;