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During Mass on the feast day of the Assumption of Mary just a few weeks ago, Father Matt Miller challenged the Stella Maris Academy Summer Program students and parishioners to not be intimidated by the holiness of the saints, especially Mary, that we can often reflect, pray, and seek direction from these holy people, but that discernment can feel unattainable at times.
I appreciated his analogy and interaction with the students as he pressed them to think about an activity they loved and how they can seek to improve in that activity. The first Sentinel to share was a little boy that loves soccer and looks to the talented Lionel Messi for inspiration and skill development. Father Matt pressed us to use that same methodology as we work through the natural aspirations of life, be it tribulations or celebrations. Rely on the saints for direction, guidance, and intercession in our pursuit of growing closer to Christ — after all, they are the superstars of living a holy life!
Father Matt’s message resonated deeply, as it truly embodies who and what our Catholic schools are striving for — to provide our students with an authentic ability to have a holy impact on the people and places they interact with; be welcomed into the gates of heaven when called; and ultimately, to become saints. This is no small mission that we are working toward in partnership with our priests, parishes, and parents who choose Catholic education.
There has been and continues to be a renewed desire from young parents and families to immerse into our Catholic school communities, because they share this desire for their children. At Stella Maris Academy, we are welcoming more than 70 additional students this fall than we ended last school year with, we are celebrating the first sophomore class in our academy’s history, who will also be our first seniors in a short few years, and we are opening the doors to our newly remodeled junior/senior high school campus. This momentum is not unique to Stella Maris Academy. Your Catholic schools across the Diocese of Duluth are embarking on a new school year filled with joyful momentum, and we are on fire for the Holy Spirit.
Our ministry and mission to transform the world would not be possible without our dedicated clergy, exceptional teachers and staff, committed parents, and generous donors who partner with Stella Maris Academy and the other schools across our diocese. As we welcome back students, I invite and ask you to join me in being intentional about seeking the intercession of the holy saints to guide our work, grow our wisdom, and keep us focused on the truth of our mission and work: Jesus.
Lastly, Stella Maris Academy held our official ribbon cutting and community open house for the new high school campus. If you were not able to make the event, know that you have an open invitation to stop in and see the future of Catholic education in Duluth — it is powerful.
Stella Maris, pray for us!
Andrew Hilliker is president of Stella Maris Academy in Duluth.