According to recent news reports, Duluth and the surrounding area are seeing outbreaks of HIV, syphilis, and other sexually-transmitted diseases in recent years.
On April 1, 162 volunteers gathered at St. James Catholic Church in Aitkin to package 50,000 meals for the Cross Catholic Outreach Organization for starving people in Central America.
The Families First Project is an advocacy campaign of the Minnesota Catholic Conference to remove economic roadblocks that Minnesotans confront along their journey of forming and raising a family.
Blessed Sacrament parish and Assumption School in Hibbing are taking what has been an annual fundraising event up a notch, turning it into a community concert, prayer walk, and festival open to the region.
For three weeks leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday on April 16, the Catholic Campus Ministry at the University of Minnesota Duluth collected thousands of donations for “blessing bags” to share with the local homeless population of Duluth and surrounding areas.
May 2023 marks my tenth anniversary of being cancer free. For you regular readers, you have followed my cancer journey for a decade, and I am grateful. I am blessed to make this milestone.
Through most of the month of May, the Easter season continues, so it is appropriate to think in a particular way of the Resurrected Christ during this spring season.
Jesus lived, he died, and rose again from the dead! Alleluia! If we believe in him, we, too, shall live, die, and rise again in and through Jesus. Alleluia!