Plans are taking shape for how the Diocese of Duluth will be carrying out the remaining phases of the three-year Eucharistic Revival begun by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2022.
As the month of June arrives, we know what we’re in for — what color schemes, let’s say, will dominate the corporate advertising and media that bombard us.
Bishop Daniel Felton ordained Anthony Stone the newest permanent deacon for the Diocese of Duluth in an ordination Mass May 5 at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Local police officers, firefighters, EMTs, first responders, and their support staff gathered at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary May 17 for a Blue Mass celebrated by Bishop Daniel Felton and sponsored by Stella Maris Academy.
We recently finished celebrating the Easter season with the Solemnity of Pentecost. This period of the liturgical year is the time we find ourselves historically in today, in the year of 2023.
Every once in a while something happens in our Catholic Faith that makes me think, “Dang, that is really cool.” That happened this past December, when Pope Francis announced the approval of the beatification of Jozef and Wiktoria Ulma and their children.
This month’s article was written while I was traveling to St. Louis for my fifth son’s college graduation. You can’t help using that time to ponder how quickly time has gone.
“Mrs. Davis,” currently streaming on the Peacock network, is my favorite show. It is quirky as all get out, featuring a quest for the Holy Grail, an imprisoned pope, a journey inside the intestines of a whale, an exploding head (don’t ask), and a roller coaster of death.
At the turn of the 20th century, the Iron Range region of Minnesota experienced a dramatic change in its demographic, cultural, and economic landscape with the launch of the mining industry.
I wanted to share with you a recent experience in ministry that was moving to me. Let me begin by engaging your imagination. Suppose you leave your house in the dark of night and make your way to your parish, which you find quiet and dimly lit, mostly by candles.
I recently attended a wedding in a non-Catholic church. The minister invited everyone there forward to be united at this wedding to receive Communion. I didn’t know what to do, so I went up to receive. Did I do something wrong?